My Media Expertise

  • Television.

    Having worked in television for over 14 years, I know what it takes to build and price effective TV campaigns that drive quantifiable results. In my career, I have learned what it takes to be successful using a message across a linear medium. Because of the time I’ve spent in the TV world, I know it’s strengths, weaknesses, how to sell it and how to negotiate deals that are in both client and station/network’s best interests.

  • Sports Media.

    When I got to Fox Sports Detroit(now Fanduel Sports Network), I was tasked with monetizing our digital streaming audience. Since then, I’ve taken on the responsibility of all revenue, digital, linear, social, local and national for the network. In my time leading the sales team, we’ve achieved goal every year. We’ve set revenue records for digital, local and combined total revenue in a single calendar year. We have monetized social media in ways we’ve never done before with custom sponsorships and developed new activations that have helped us create sellable opportunities never offered from our network before.

  • Digital Marketing.

    I have spent my career in a time of a media evolution and I have had to stay current and trained on not only the products I have to offer my clients but also the products of my competitors. From targeted video, to live sports specific products, email campaigns, retargeting, social media and many other products, we have built just about every type of digital marketing campaign available. Through the experiences of winning(and losing) millions of dollars in digital marketing partnerships, I can confidently build a multi platform digital marketing campaign that reaches a consumer at every stage of the buying process, and know which products are suited for specific functions. I have had to be acutely aware of market value for each product so I can confidently advise clients and compete for their business. We have not missed a digital budget since I have arrived at Fanduel Sports Detroit and have been the highest generating region in the country.